Sprinkler System Installation Services In Shreveport, LA

In the hot and humid climate of Shreveport, LA keeping your grass healthy and green can be difficult. An approach to maintaining a well-kept lawn is to set up a residential sprinkler system. Using a sprinkler system not only assists with preserving water but can also prove to be cost-effective and time-efficient over time.

Here are five advantages of putting in an irrigation system for your yard in Shreveport:

In the arid and scorching summers of Shreveport, it is imperative to preserve water. A sprinkler device can be adjusted to irrigate your yard during the chilliest parts of the day, cutting down evaporation and water misuse. Moreover, sprinkler systems are configured to distribute water only in the areas necessary, minimizing overspill and guaranteeing that it is utilized thoroughly.

Time-Saving: Hand-watering a lawn can be a time-consuming task, especially if you have a large yard. A sprinkler system can water your lawn automatically, freeing up your time to focus on other tasks or activities. Additionally, sprinkler systems can be set to run during off-peak hours, so you don't have to worry about adjusting your schedule to accommodate watering your lawn.

Improved Lawn Health: A sprinkler system can help promote a healthy lawn by providing consistent and even watering. With a properly installed sprinkler system, your lawn will receive the right amount of water at the right time and in the right places. This can help prevent overwatering, which can lead to lawn diseases and fungus, and underwatering, which can cause brown spots and bare patches.

Economic Advantage: The cost of a sprinkler system setup may appear intimidating initially, yet can really save you funds in the long term. By preserving water and aiding turf health, you can decrease your water payments and spare money on lawn care and upkeep.

Maintaining a lush green lawn can increase the worth of your residence, and using a sprinkler system can ensure you have an aesthetically appealing landscape when wanting to sell your property. A sprinkler system can help you reach that goal.

To sum up, installing a sprinkler system for your lawn in Shreveport can provide numerous benefits, including water conservation, time savings, improved lawn health, cost-effectiveness, and increased property value. With proper installation and maintenance, a sprinkler system can be a smart investment for any homeowner looking to keep their lawn healthy and beautiful all year long. 

At Johnson Irrigation and Outdoor Lighting, we will work closely with you to plan and design the right sprinkler system to meet your needs. 

Planning Phase

We will discuss your irrigation requirements and concerns with you to design the right irrigation system for your project.

  • Before securing any permits, we will prepare an AutoCad Irrigation design program.  
  • Get the service meter size for your project and check it out. The static water pressure is determined by the municipality.  
  • All sprinkler heads should be positioned for 100 % coverage (Head to Head).  
  •  Calculate friction loss to ensure the correct pipe sizing options; review basic hydraulics to determine the correct number of valves and lateral lines;  Zone valves are designed to adapt to the microclimates of your property  

Installation Process

Proper installation will ensure correct system performance,
reliability, and durability. During the installation, we will:

  • All local backflow prevention codes must be met 
  • When the system is complete, or at the end of each day, if the job takes more than one day, leave the site clean and tidy.  
  • Ensure proper height and distance from sidewalks and curbs for care-free lawn maintenance 

Johnson Irrigation and Outdoor Lighting has a sprinkler system installation and sprinkler repair team of professionals to take care of all your sprinkler system needs. We install and repair sprinkler systems in Shreveport, LA. In addition, we provide sprinkler system service and sprinkler repair for Bossier City, Benton, Haughton, and Stonewall.